Sunday 28 January 2018

Domestic AC comparison on energy bills-Realize how much money you save and reduce CO2 emission by buying higher EER AC. Consider old AC as low EER AC and new AC as higher EER AC.

Note: You can only add values from cell no. 3 to cell no. 7 in right column. you can assume cost of electricity as Rs 3/kW-hr.
One bigger tree can absorb 1 tonne of CO2 in its 40yr lifetime.
28% of fossil fuel emitted CO2 is absorbed by oceans, 26% by forests, 46% is released in atmosphere.
CO2 ppm has reached 400 and  10,000 ppm (1%) or higher for several hours eliminate pests such as whiteflies and spider mites in a greenhouse.

1) If you want to replace existing AC by higher EER AC, this calculator will tell you simple payback period. The AC has lifespan of aroud 20 Yr, so payback period should be less than 20 Yr, otherwise the amount invested in buying new AC will not be paid back to you completely in the form of yearly savings on electricity bill.

2) If you are buying new AC, this calculator will tell you how much you can save yearly by buying higher EER AC and eventhough higher EER AC may be a bit costly initially will generate revenue in the form of savings after total savings cross the difference in price of two ACs. You can calculate this year ,equal to. ratio of  difference in the cost to the yearly savings.

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Carbon dioxide emission